
Advancements in cardiac care made a significant impact on the health sector.

Top Pharmaceutical Companies In India

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the common concerns in India. Nowadays, youngsters are more prone to diseases, and medical science advancement helps professionals to deal with such situations easily.

Top pharmaceutical companies in India are constantly evolving new and better drugs and equipment to reduce risks and complications. 

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

When the aortic valve narrows, a condition called aortic valve stenosis develops. This causes less blood flow from the heart to the aorta.

Initially, the best way possible was open-heart surgery, which was not fit for patients of older age. This method is less invasive and easy to install a valve with the help of a catheter.

Mitral Valve Clips

Heart valves prevent reverse blood flow. The mitral valve is a controller between the left atrium and the left ventricle. When this valve does not work properly, it causes mitral regurgitation. Some blood flows back to the atrium, which can lead to health issues in the long run.

Mitral clips help manage the damage without major surgery and reduce leakage. The medicine manufacturing company’s invention has proven revolutionary.

Better imaging enhanced the PCI effect.

PCI, or Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, is a procedure for placing a stent in blocked or narrow blood vessels. Earlier, it was used to help patients with simple coronary artery disease. Now, with the advancement in imaging, doctors are using this technique at more complex locations to reduce the risks of surgical procedures. Angiography is a technique for recognizing such blocks and then adding stents to broaden the vessels. 

Glucose-lowering Drugs can prevent heart diseases.

Recent studies have shown that certain diabetic medications can help prevent or reduce various heart diseases. Weight management drugs like semaglutide help to manage glucose levels and prevent cardiovascular disorders. 


A medicine manufacturing company has developed a better drug to increase the heart’s ability to pump during heart failure. It reduces the heart rate and increases the amount of blood pumped by the heart. 

HeartMate 3

It is a device developed to treat patients with a risk of heart failure. It enhances the blood-pumping capacity of the heart and reduces the risk of heart failure. The doctor implants the device in the patient’s heart, and it works with batteries. It has improved the life expectancy of patients and reduced risk

Use of AI to monitor heart condition

AI is everywhere, and how can the most complex yet amazing human organ be untouched? AI gives the power to analyze large data and provide accurate results with the least error possible. Cardiologists worldwide are using AI to monitor and understand patients’ conditions. 

Aspiration thrombectomy

Another amazing invention by any medicine manufacturing company is a vacuum-like device to suck clots. This procedure is mainly used for the right side of the heart.

According to top pharmaceutical companies in India, cardiovascular diseases are observed in any age group. Many do not know that they are suffering. Better medical facilities are the only way to reduce such risks.

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